Tool Deep Dives

Mastering Prompt Crafting in Midjourney v7: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Specific Imagery

Mastering Prompt Crafting in Midjourney v7: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Specific Imagery

May 7, 2024

Mastering Prompt Crafting in Midjourney v7

Midjourney Version 7 has brought significant improvements to the AI-generated art platform, particularly in the area of prompt coherence. However, creating highly specific images that align with your vision still requires skill, patience, and a deep understanding of the prompting process. In this article, we'll explore the nuances of crafting effective prompts in Midjourney v7 and walk you through two detailed examples to help you master the art of creating specific imagery.

The Key to Unlocking Midjourney v7's Potential

While it's relatively easy to generate good images with Midjourney v7, achieving truly great results demands a more refined approach. The key lies in understanding how to replicate very specific photos by incrementally adding details to your prompts. This process involves a mix of trial and error, starting with a foundational prompt and gradually refining it to align more closely with your reference image.

Example 1: Replicating a Studio Photo

Let's consider a scenario where you want to create an image of a young man lounging on an orange bean bag. Begin with a basic prompt, and then incrementally add specifics such as the background color, clothing details, and positioning. For instance, you might include details like the subject holding a soccer ball and a smartphone, or specify cropped jeans and white sneakers. As you refine the prompt, you'll notice the image gradually aligning more closely with your reference.

Example 2: Creating a Complex Scene

In a more complex replication, imagine trying to create an image of a woman on a balcony in Prague. Start with a basic description and gradually add details about her focus in the image, her clothing, and her environment. As you continue to refine the prompt, including specifics about her socks and hairstyle, the image will become increasingly aligned with your reference.

The Iterative Nature of Prompt Crafting

Both examples illustrate the iterative nature of prompt crafting in Midjourney v7. Detailed prompting is crucial for achieving specific results, and the process demonstrates the system's improved coherence. However, it also highlights areas that still need development, such as the rendering of hands and feet.

As you explore and understand this tool, the possibilities for generating detailed, tailored imagery only expand. It's a testament to the platform's evolving capabilities and the creative potential it unlocks for users.


Mastering prompt crafting in Midjourney v7 requires precision, patience, and a willingness to engage in an iterative process. By starting with a foundational prompt and gradually adding specific details, you can create highly tailored images that align closely with your vision. As the platform continues to evolve, the potential for generating stunning, specific imagery only grows, making it an exciting time to be exploring the world of AI-generated art.