Tool Deep Dives

AI Character Design Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide

AI Character Design Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jun 20, 2024


Designing unique, memorable characters is a crucial skill for artists, illustrators, and game designers. But what if you could streamline the character creation process and bring your ideas to life faster than ever before? That's where AI-powered tools like Midjourney come in. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to design stunning original characters using the latest AI technology.

Why Use AI for Character Design?

Creating a character from scratch can be a time-consuming and challenging process, especially if you're struggling with artist's block or looking for fresh inspiration. AI tools like can help by:

  • Generating countless character ideas and variations based on your prompts and preferences

  • Allowing you to quickly experiment with different artistic styles, color palettes, and aesthetics

  • Providing a starting point for your designs that you can then refine and customize

  • Enhancing your creativity and sparking new ideas you might not have considered otherwise

While AI is not a replacement for human creativity and artistic skill, it can be a powerful tool to augment and accelerate your character design workflow.

Step 1: Define Your Character Concept

Before diving into the AI, it's important to have a clear concept for the character you want to create. Consider factors like:

  • The character's role, personality, and backstory

  • The genre, setting, and art style you're working in

  • Any specific visual elements or themes you want to incorporate

Write a brief description of your character that captures these key points. This will serve as the foundation for your AI prompts.

Step 2: Generate Initial Character Designs with AI

Now it's time to let the AI work its magic.

For example, let's say you want to create a "mysterious hooded rogue character for a fantasy game, wearing a dark cloak and wielding dual daggers." You would enter this as your prompt, including your desired art style (e.g., digital painting, comic book), and let the AI generate a set of initial designs.

Step 3: Refine and Iterate on Your AI-Generated Designs

Once you have your initial AI-generated character designs, it's time to refine and iterate on them. Midjurney allows you to:

  • Generate variations of a design by tweaking the prompt or adjusting style settings

  • Combine elements from multiple designs using the blend tool

  • Upscale and enhance the resolution of your favorite designs

Through this iterative process, you can zero in on the character design that best fits your vision. Don't be afraid to experiment and try out different ideas until you find the perfect match.

Step 4: Maintain Consistency in Character Design

Once you have a character design you're happy with, you may want to create variations of that character in different settings, poses, or outfits while maintaining a consistent visual style. Here's how you can use Midjourney to achieve this:

  1. Upscale your chosen character design to a higher resolution. This will give you a clean, detailed image to work with.

  2. Copy the image address of your upscaled character design.

  3. In the Midjourney Discord server, react to your upscaled image with the envelope emoji (📩). This will reveal the seed number for that image.

  4. Use the following convention to create a new prompt for your character variation:

    • Start with the image link to your upscaled character design

    • Add a new prompt describing the desired setting, pose, outfit, or other changes

    • Include the seed number from step 3 using the --seed flag

For example, if your original character prompt was "The monkey king in fiery hell destroying a book that contains names. It is mythical and magical. Moebius style, pastel colors --ar 9:16", you could create a variation with:

" The monkey king leaping through a waterfall. It is mythical and magical. Moebius style, pastel colors --ar 9:16 --seed 258345361"

Original Prompt

New Prompt With Seed

By using the same seed number and including the original character design as an image prompt, you ensure that the new variation maintains the same core visual style and identity.

  1. Generate the new character variation using this updated prompt, and repeat the process for any additional variations you want to create.

This technique allows you to quickly and easily generate consistent character designs across different contexts while still leveraging the power and flexibility of AI generation.

Step 5: Customize and Finalize Your Character Design

With your refined AI-generated character design, you can now customize and finalize it to make it your own. This might involve:

  • Editing and adjusting the design in your preferred art software

  • Adding specific details, accessories, or flourishes

  • Creating turnarounds, expression sheets, and pose variations for your character

  • Integrating the character into your larger project or artwork

Remember, the AI is a starting point, but the final touch is up to you and your artistic skills.

Examples of AI-Assisted Character Designs

Here are a few examples of original characters created in Midjourney, found on NightBloom, showcasing the range of styles and possibilities:

Prompt here

Prompt here

Prompt here

Prompt here

Tips for Effective AI Character Design:

  • Be specific and descriptive in your prompts to get the best results

  • Experiment with different art styles, perspectives, and compositions

  • Iterate and generate variations to explore different possibilities

  • Don't hesitate to blend and combine elements from multiple AI-generated designs

  • Always put your own creative spin on the AI-generated designs to make them original


AI tools like Midjourney are revolutionizing the way we approach character design, making it faster, easier, and more accessible than ever before. By following this step-by-step guide, using techniques like seed-based consistency and leveraging the power of AI, you can create stunning, unique characters that bring your creative visions to life.

To see the latest creations people are making in Midjourney, visit NightBloom!